Super Grafx Games Page 4

special edition!

Once again, thanks to Rick Hong and William Lu for helping out to make these additional pages possible!
Super Grafx page


GranZÖrt is an excellent addition to the SuperGrafx. It was one of the original games made for it, and it was one of the games I have played. First off, the action starts you on a planet far off in space. You are a robot that can transform into many different suits, which then have different capabilities.

Graphics are stunning on this game, and very detailed while the music is strictly Turbo. Since the Super Grafx has such sprite handling capabilities, this game almost appears cheap because the graphics move so quick, that you would never know that these same sprites would bog down any other 16-bit system! The blue circles outside of the character appear when you make him fly into the air. Flying only lasts a short amount of time due to limited amounts of power.

The scenery on this game is excellent! Smooth gradients fill large backgrounds, while crystal blue water ripples in the background. Don't let these backgrounds take you off track though because you will certainly be killed by quick moving large enemies!

The multi scrolling backgrounds top this game off! While in small caves, cracks in the walls will often reveal a deep background. Enemies in this game are very fast, and when a missile gets shot, you must hide because the missiles often hit their target at high speed