Super Grafx Games Page 3

special edition!

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New pages and even reviews (future) will be added because 2 people have taken some of their valuable time and resources to send things in for the SuperGrafx Page.

Because of these 2 induviduals, these additions are possible:

Rick Hong

William Lu

Thanks on the behalf of the Un-Official Turbo Pages and all of the other loyal Turbo users out there!


This game was a later release for the SuperGrafx, and is one of the hottest shooters available for it (or any other 16-bit system at that). Because of the enormous amount of sprites able to be handled by the SuperGrafx, this game has incredibly large bosses, and extended -near 3D- backgrounds.

Enemies are fast, and so are their bullets! Weapons in this game are very large and promote no flicker due again to the sprite capabilities available.

The graphics are very sharp and the colors are bright as well! The games made for the Super Grafx are much sharper than most of the games made for today's 32&64-bit systems! The background on level 3 (right picture) moves up and down along with your ship, and is enough to make even the toughest sailer seasick! Missiles and other weapons often fly from the background and zoom up in front of you in order to quickly blow your ship up!

TIP: once you are in this position, with
this weapon, the boss can't even
begin to stop you!

Some of these bosses are real big bad boys, but like many games, when you are in the right spot, there are some very cheap ways of defeating even the largest bosses (right picture).

Great artwork and time have gone into this game. Too bad the SuperGrafx lasted such a short period, but on the Un-Official Turbo Pages, the SuperGrafx will live on!