An official

Game review!


by Falcom

Sure, you've heard alot about great Japanese RPG's. But maybeyou've laid off of them because you can't read Japanese. Well, Falcom'sLegend of Xanadu II can be finished without any knowledge of Japanese.

You thought Emerald Dragon was cool? You think it was better thanFinal Fantasy III? Well Xanadu II is in my opinion BETTER than Emerald Dragon.

Xanadu II is an Action/RPG similar to Ys I&II or IV. You travelthroughout the beautifully drawn lands with up to 5computer controlledcharacters. That's right, computer controlled, no more menu based fighting.Its like playing Ys with 4 other computer guys to help you out. There arereally cool cinemas after each of 7(I think)acts. Its just overall anawesome game. Next, I'll run through the different aspects of the game.

MUSIC: The game has cool music. Its not all CD music, some of itis "chip music" but even that is cool.
Music: A

GRAPHICS: Hello? Are we playing a PC Engine here? Awesome 320x256graphics. Loads of colors. Even my friend who doesn't like the PC Enginesaid it was the best he'd ever seen on a Turbo.
Graphics: A+

STORYLINE: Oh man! I can't read Japanese, but the story line is sowell done that you don't need to know Japanese to figure it out. It hasprobably the best voice acting of any game I've ever played. Just a superbstory with "sub-cinemas" similar to the one's in Final Fantasy III.
Storyline: A

GAME LAYOUT: This game is just freaking great! I'll tell you, theintro will blow you away. There is even a prologue act. Great control,easy to play, very fun(I played and finished the game 3times cause its socool). Oh, and after you finish it there is still lots more to do. At theend of each act there is a boss. The game then switches to a side scrollingaction view where you and one of your followers fights the boss. This sceneis 2P! You can play 2P simultaneous in the boss fighting scenes. Thegraphics in the boss fighting part are just awesome. During the bossfighting, each character has several moves that can be performed like inStreet Fighter II in addition to the old hack and slash techniques.
Game layout: A Overall: I know this isn't a "traditional review", but I just wantto let people know how good this game is. This game is spectacular, easilydamn near the top in the category of best RPG ever. Its just so fun. Itsnot hard, never any boring parts never any parts where you have to buildyour level up to 100000 just to beat a boss. And the Computer controlledcharacters are very helpful. They make your journey much easier. GREATGRAPHICS. COOL MUSIC. NEAT STORYLINE. SUPER GAME LAYOUT. If you want a PC Engine Action/RPG get XANADU II! The game isgreat. I'm telling you. I paid $115 for it the day it hit the US and itwas worth it, every penny. I have since traded it for several games and a6button controller and I now wish I hadn't.