AREA 4 On this level, you get to walk on the ceilings (where in the heck is this...outer space?) and stab ninjas on the other side of the ceiling. You will mostly be doing a lot of avoiding on the first part of this level as ninjas will be sling their sickles at you (in which one hit will kill you on the spot). The bombs will be an excellent weapon for this level.
Yet more walking on ceilings and you will need to on the second part of this level. Spikes cut out from bamboo are on the floor so watch your step..please.
Ah yes...the falling ceiling made from rocks. Speed is the essence on this part. My suggestion is to walk straight forward and ignore all bombs and orange ninjas coming your way. When the ceiling finally collapses and falls at the end, all of the orange ninjas will pop out and give you a chance to hit them and take their helmet.
Here is the stoned boss of level 4. Watch out while the rocks drop down and try to catch you. Everything they touch will shoot an electrical spark out, so keep your distance. Destroy all 8 sides of these bosses.
This level has a lot of going up. Watch out for poisonous gasses leaking out of various crevices in the rocks because your ninja will immediatly choke and die.
At the top of these rocks, you will find that there is some guy stupid enough out there to tie himself up to a kite and float on it. Ninjas will appear on the kite(s) and shoot at you the best they can. You can destroy the ninjas, but they will reappear again. The only way to beat this boss is to hit the main man controlling the kite.
This is a very neat level. Clouds travel in the background while lightning flashes inside. Watch out for those with the long swords, and also keep a steady eye out for the flying knives from the sky. The best weapon for this level is the chain and sickle because it is strong enough to ward off the ninjas with the long swords, and then swing around to destroy the falling knives.
Yet again we can see how influencing the kite is to civilization. Floating men on kites...or is that floating kites with men... will try to kill you.
Here is a boss that keeps appearing. Hop on the middle rock and throw bombs downward to kill all of the appearing bosses.
AREA 7-the last level
Quiet music and the tiptoeing of ninjas keeps this level mystical. As you walk forward, you will notice yet some more gass appearing. Watch out! This is a very dangerous level!
At one point you will encounter a cliff. As you hop off of it, you will discover floating ninjas with their swords pointed upwards to slice you in half as you may happen to fall upon it. There is no way to permanatly kill these ninjas, so you will have to find a way to dodge them. Take my suggestion: when you reach the edge of the cliff, fall to the left. Don't veer too sharply to the left or else you will get sliced by a sword. After a ninja passes really close by, then you can veer off to the left. Don't get too close to the wall or else you will get sliced there. Take a look at the picture as an example as to how far from the wall you need to be.
Here he is, the head honcho himself! Here is the source of the mysterious electric currents that fried your father! Don't let those currents fry you. When you go into this screen, immediatly walk to the right and pick up your shadow, and if you can, then go to the left and pick up the power up. Afterwards, back up against the wall and jump as high as you can while firing bombs. After you hit the ground, your ninja should still be in the air firing away. When the electric currents get too close for comfort, jump into the air again, and continue firing away. You should beat him easily!