Can you weave straw into gold?
Before you can, you must hop onto the largest ride through the essence of nature
Score One for our side!
Lucasarts and
TTI created a masterpiece, and it is
available for the DUO!! When I picked up this title, I really
thought it would be
an average slow and cheap computergame translation. Boy was
I wrong!!
When I first started Loom, I noticed an extensively long load time, but
when the actual game started, loads were short from there on due to the nice features
of the Duo.
Shortly after starting, I realized yy first assumpitions were totally wrong! This
game was not only
extremely fast, but it was translated to be BETTER
than the original computer version! The
graphics were extremely sharp the colors were very bright, and the music should
win an award!
When I originally played Loom on the computer, I often found myself turning the
music off because it sounded so terrible, but when playingg the version for
the DUO, I often wished the music lasted longer! The symphony that played the
music for Loom, sounded entirely wholesome and fabulous!
The game begins when your care taker, Mother Hetchel,
is being sentenced by the elders for secretly teaching Bobbin the secrets of
the Loom. Just as she is turned into a swans egg, a giant swan
flies in and
turns all of elders into swans as well!! You are now left alone on the island
along with a baby swan named Mother Hetchel, and the head elder's distaff to go and
discover your destiny!
This must sound confusing, but after you've played this game for a short while you
will get used to the somewhat odd atmosphere quickly!
In fact ,the strangeness of this game is what makes things so fun!
For those that think this is yet another Myst type game... you have another thought
coming. Let me clear things up:
Myst is a quantum leap in games using 3D environments, and a large advertising
source for Strata. Myst also takes place on a lonely setting where you are all alone
to be one with the slowly rising sea, and the wind blowing through the trees.
Loom, on the other hand, is beautifully painted by hand. The adventure that takes
place requires much interaction with very likeable and memorable people. The action
can be often humorous while also stimulating. You aren't likely to fall asleep through
this game!
For the record, I have played this game start to finish at least 6 times by
the time you arc reading this! Many people are looking
for agane that brings
them into the action like the Y's series did... I personally think that this
IS the game many people are looking for!